Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dreams do come true

Last night Ben took me to the Atlantic's White House Correspondent Dinner's pre-party, where I was able to stare at Clair Danes and Jeremy Renner, but the real thrill was when I went up to Andy Cohen and interuppted what I'm sure was an important conversation with two people to beg for a photo. The interaction went something like this:

Me (running up to him and tapping him on the shoulder): Please, I need to take a picture with you.

Andy Cohen: (Looking a little perturbed but totally amicable) Oh, sure!

[puts arm around me, ben snaps photo]

Me: (as ben takes picture, I whisper) I love your book. I love you.

AC: (silence, smiles)

a few more sentences were exchanged and I ran away.

Anyway. it was worth it. so thank you, andy cohen, for making my life.

I obviously was too excited to control my smile, as I usually try to do in photos, so excuse the extra mile of gums showing. 

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