Thursday, December 3, 2009

A wee sleepy...

Wanted: One unpaid Intern.

I will buy you a mocha every day (it's expensive, with homemade chocolate milk!!)

I will talk about tv with you.

You will help me make sense of my life and all of my orders!

Who's in?

For visual pleasures:

I made these earrings recently which I'm in love with:

I'm seeing the Felice Brothers in Brooklyn New Years, and want a happy-go-lucky outfit to ring (bring?) in the new year. This shirt from Asos just screams, "I'm having so much fun and I'm so stylish I don't even care that this shirt is going to accentuate my hips!"

I think I need it.

1 comment:

  1. Any love for those earrings that you have is certainly well deserved. They're real pretty! I've just recently come across your blog via craftster and I am in awe of your immense jewelry-making skills. Keep it up, I love to read it!

    -Kira (aka noooitaremybirthday on craftster)
