Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Friend, New Blog to Read

I recently met and befriend a delightful lass by the name of Molly Rosner, and she has an equally delightful blog called Brooklyn in Love and at War, that is actually smart and interesting and not just pictures of pretty flowers (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

On this blog she scans in letters from her late grandfather that he wrote to her late grandmother during WW2, and writes about their content and context.

Here is the first letter she posted, and if you go to the blog you can read what it means.

Here's an excerpt from the latest letter she transcribed:

Sweetest husband, the day of your homecoming will be the most excited one in my life. I want to look beautiful for you – so please let me know beforehand (if you can) so that at least my face will be washed. You’ll probably be all spiffed up when you come home, tall and straight in your uniform! I want you to be as proud of me as I am of you.
Sweetheart, if we could only be together for always after this… I’d even get up to make your breakfast. (Don’t say anything you’ll be sorry for, Sylvia.) I love you with all my heart, Alex, and wish to heaven that you’ll be allowed to work ashore. Dearest, I love you, you don’t know how much.
Goodnight, honey-
            Forever yours,
P.S. It took only 5 days for your letter to arrive. Love – S.

 So yes. Start reading, already.

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